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Introduction / Summary (2018): Hello and welcome to our Sexuality pages. While this is not a pornographic site, it is provocative - founded upon what people search on the Internet (which is very interesting!). We then relate this to our biological and cultural evolution.
Sex is obviously important to people - and if you want to improve your sexual relationships then knowing the truth about our human evolution is the best foundation. By opening our minds to a greater diversity of behaviors, this knowledge will help you creatively cultivate healthy pleasurable moral attitudes and sexy smutty relationships (free from religious guilt & cultural myths).
Support an open honest discussion on the truth of our sexual evolution and behaviour. If you support sex positive, moral, informed sexual behaviour please share this knowledge. (These pages have a diverse collection of fascinating information relating to our human sexual evolution so people will appreciate it - see our 'nice letters' page!).
Sincerely, Karene.

"It is not enough to conquer; one must learn to seduce." (Voltaire) - "Desire is the essence of a man." (Spinoza)

Male & Female Sexual Health, Education, Safe Sex, AIDS, Birth Control, How to Put On, Free Samples, Trojan, Size


Condom Information: Male, Female, Shapes & Sizes

Male CondomFrom the website: 'Condoms are the only form of protection that can both help to stop the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV and prevent pregnancy.

A number of different types of condom are now available. What is generally called a condom is the 'male' condom, a sheath or covering which fits over a man's penis, and which is closed at one end. There is also now a female condom, or vaginal sheath, which is used by a woman and which fits inside her vagina.

Condoms are usually made of latex or polyurethane. Latex condoms can only be used with water based lubricants, not oil based lubricants such as Vaseline or cold cream as they break down the latex.

Condom colours, shapes, sizes, types.Condoms come in a variety of shapes. They may be regular shaped (with straight sides), form fit (indented below the head of the penis), or flared (wider over the head of the penis).Ribbed are textured with ribs or bumps, which can increase sensation for both partners. Some are flavoured to make oral sex more enjoyable. They also come in a variety of colours.'

Also includes information on condom size, where to buy, how to use, when to take off, what to do if condom breaks, effectiveness, how to persuade your partner.

How to Put on a Condom

1. Put the condom on when the penis is erect, before there is any contact between the penis and your partner's body. Fluid released from the penis during the early stages of an erection can contain sperm and transmit STD's. Tear along one side of the foil, being sure not to rip the condom inside.

How to Put on a Condom2. Air trapped inside a condom could cause it to break. To avoid this, squeeze the closed end of the condom between your forefinger and thumb and place the condom over the erect penis. Be sure that the roll is on the outside.

3. While still squeezing the closed end, use your other hand to unroll the condom gently down the full length of the penis.

How to Put on a Condom4. Soon after ejaculation, withdraw the penis while it is still erect by holding the condom firmly in place. Remove the condom only when the penis is fully withdrawn and away from your partners body.

5. Dispose of the used condom hygienically. Wrap the condom in a tissue and place it in a bin (do not flush it down the toilet). Never use the same condom more than once.

Condom Man! Online Shopping

From the website: 'Condom Man offers a wide selection of quality condoms to buy from around the world. Brands include Durex, Okamoto, Trojan, Kimono, Viva and Lifestyles. They offer free shipping in the U.S., 10% repeat buyer discount and discreet secure online ordering.

You can buy a condom variety pack to pick and choose from different brands and styles. Great for experimentation! The 100 condom variety pack retails for $24.99.

Condom Man also answers questions on sexual health and has safe sex information and cartoons.'




Analyse any human emotion, no matter how far it may be removed from the sphere of sex, and you are sure to discover somewhere the primal impulse, to which life owes its perpetuation.Analyse any human emotion, no matter how far it may be removed from the sphere of sex, and you are sure to discover somewhere the primal impulse, to which life owes its perpetuation. ... The primitive stages can always be re-established; the primitive mind is, in the fullest meaning of the word, imperishable. ... Mans most disagreeable habits and idiosyncrasies, his deceit, his cowardice, his lack of reverence, are engendered by his incomplete adjustment to a complicated civilisation. It is the result of the conflict between our instincts and our culture. (Sigmund Freud)



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Chlamydia: STD Symptoms, Treatment Nymphomaniacs: What is a Nympho? Medical Studies, History
Condoms: Education, Safe Sex, How to Put On Pap Smear Test: Information, Abnormal Results, Procedure
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Healing & Therapy: Creating Positive Sexual Attitudes, Counseling Women's Sexual Health: Female Anatomy, Brain, Orgasm
Hepatitis A, B & C Virus: Immune System, Treatment, Vaccine  

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Condoms: Male & Female Sexual Health, Education, Safe Sex, AIDS, Birth Control, How to Put On, Free Samples, Trojan, Size

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The free, unhampered exchange of ideas and scientific conclusions is necessary for the sound development of science, as it is in all spheres of cultural life. ... Only the individual can think, and thereby create new values for society, nay, even set up new moral standards to which the life of the community conforms.
(Albert Einstein)